IAAM Fellow Summit

IAAM Fellow Summit serves as a platform for discussing and advancing global efforts to manage climate change and related challenges. The overall agenda will focus on accelerating action to address the global climate crisis, with a particular emphasis on increasing ambition and accelerating the implementation of the NetZero goals. The summit is expected to be an important opportunity for high-end researchers, policymakers, industry leaders, and government agencies to promote their climate ambitions, present their plans for reaching net zero, and make new commitments to tackle climate change. The proceedings of the summit ensure the ability to move from conscious-raising to agenda-setting to the agreement on action for a sustainable future. As part of this unique summit, IAAM brings together the best research minds of the Advanced Materials academia and industry to accelerate action towards climate neutrality, net-zero, carbon capture, global warming, etc.

IAAM Fellow Summit 2025

25 – 27 March 2025

Stockholm │Sweden

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26 – 28 May 2025

Stockholm │Sweden

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18 – 20 August 2025

Stockholm │Sweden

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Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline

29 November 2024

Confirmation of Abstract Acceptance

05 December 2024

Highlights of the

IAAM Fellow Summit

  • Promoting sustainable development plans for reaching net-zero emissions.
  • International cooperation in climate change adaptation
  • Discussions on effective water management and governance
  • Endorsing renewable energy sources
  • Promoting netzero research practices
  • Participation of high-end researchers, policymakers, industry leaders, and government agencies
  • Consortiums on NetZero Goals and Sustainable Developments.

Utilizing Materials for Sustainable Growth

IAAM Fellow Summit will promote the utilization of sustainable materials by ensuring a more sustainable future while supporting economic growth and improving the well-being of people and communities around the world. Sustainable material utilization involves reducing the negative impacts of material extraction, production, use, and disposal while ensuring continued access to materials that support economic growth and well-being.

IAAM Fellow Summit offers unparalleled opportunities for global networking for all the attendees with their peers from around the world. The summit facilitates the exchange of important scientific knowledge among world-renowned materials scientists to eliminate and facilitates the IAAM’s Sustainable Development Action Plan 2030. Moreover, the intensive sessions of the summit feature discussions on the recent progress and trends in the advanced materials sphere and yield high-quality results for the future of the field.

A Premier Forum

The IAAM Fellow Summit is a premier forum that will discuss global efforts to manage climate change and related challenges in line with United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 2030 and IAAM’s Sustainable Development Action Plan 2030. The action plan of the forum can be summarized as below:

  • The Summit will highlight the role of new technologies and innovations in addressing the climate crisis and promoting sustainable development.
  • The summit will explore how protecting and restoring ecosystems can help reduce emissions and increase resilience to the impacts of climate change.
  • Building the resilience of communities and water systems to the impacts of climate change
  • Encouraging the integration of water management and climate change adaptation measures into broader development and environmental policies.
  • Increased use of renewable energy sources
  • Implementation of sustainable transportation practices, such as promoting the use of electric vehicles.
  • Encouraging international cooperation and the sharing of best practices in climate change adaptation.

This coveted event also includes several consortiums on various niche Materials Science areas and sub-fields. These consortiums, coupled with a range of technical sessions, create the best setting for the attendees to share their ideas, and findings, and present their latest research in front of the scientific elites. Thus, the presenters get to gain the best insights and opinions regarding their new findings and ideas. By bringing the best brains of the advanced materials community together, these consortiums and technical sessions allow the researchers to form long-term partnerships and work together to produce quality research.

IAAM’s Sustainable Development Action Plans 2030

(Based on UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals 2030)

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

The fields of Materials Science, Engineering, and Technology are responsible for a fourth industrial revolution in which the world is witnessing how technology is merging digital, biological, chemical, and physical spheres of global human activities. With this new industrial revolution, Advanced Materials are finding new and diverse range of applications across industries. Moreover, the enhancement that nanotechnology and materials research have made possible in Mining and Materials Extraction is widely known. As a result, it plays a vital role in creating wealth and prosperity globally and eliminating poverty, especially in the developing countries. IAAM plays its part to achieve this goal by creating a widespread awareness of Materials right at the grassroot levels and creating opportunities.

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

There are many ways in which Advanced Materials will help eliminate hunger. Materials Research leads to the formation of new materials which are at the core of development of new technology. As a result, advances in Materials will lead to better protection for plants from infestations. It’ll lead to improvement in equipment involved in the agriculture sector. The production of crops and the food distribution channels will see drastic enhancement. Moreover, nanotechnology can lead to better packaging of food and result in improving the shelf life of food products. An extended shelf life of food products will see the fortification of food and prove to be helpful in resource-deficient areas of the world. Overall, the nanotechnology applications on novel and advanced materials hold serious potential to facilitate technological advances that can help improve food security, supply, and production. IAAM’s research and activities are focused on developing novel materials that can contribute in this direction.

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Advanced Materials have abundant applications in the Healthcare sector and can help enormously in ensuring healthy lives for people around the world. The advances in materials are facilitating progress for medical devices. With the help of new materials that have improved properties, the medical equipment and devices are functioning better and providing functionality that was believed to be impossible until very recently. It is the need of medicine industry that is driving the experts to engineer and create new materials. These new materials have better and enhanced physical, electrical, and chemical properties and stimulate innovation. Ceramics, Biomaterials, Composites, and Polymers are some of the many kind of advanced materials being used for the enhancement of medical therapy, equipment, and devices. They have already resulted in innovations like implantable medical devices, forming new tissue parts, injectable gels, and many more. As a result, Advanced Materials will prove to be a key player in ensuring healthy human life globally.


Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Advanced Materials is a relatively new and constantly expanding line of scientific enquiry. With the materials finding a wide range of applications in multiple industries and business spheres, there is a growing focus on Materials Research and Nanotechnology. As a result, there is a critical need to promote quality scientific education and train the next generation of materials scientists and professionals. IAAM runs several publication initiatives and international open access journals, Advanced Materials Letters, and Advanced Materials Proceedings with an aim to make quality scientific education accessible. These initiatives work on the model of Diamond Open Access and allow people to access scientific literature for free. By doing so, IAAM ensures inclusive and equitable quality education for all.


Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

In today’s age, Advanced Materials has become a critical field for the development of national economies. Yet, there is an imbalance when it comes to gender equality in this important industry. Only less than 30% of the global R&D workforce is represented by women. Over the years, IAAM has constituted one of the largest networks of Materials’ researchers, scientists, and professionals. The association works forward with without any discrimination and promotes gender equality in the Global Materials community.

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Many recent developments in Advanced Materials have presented new approaches to deal with the challenges of water contamination and disinfection. The field has shown great potential to help mankind satisfy the global demand of clean water. Nanofibrous membranes offer promising and improved efficiency in terms of purifying water. IAAM focuses on developing membrane materials and advancing technologies for water purification. In addition, IAAM congresses and events witness regular symposia on Clean Water Technologies. IAAM publications have also released full issues dedicated to use of advanced materials in water decontamination.


Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Advanced Materials are indispensable to fulfill the demand for clean energy and make possible a sustainable world. Materials Science is facilitating the development of Photovoltaic materials and Thin Films to increase solar energy production and its efficiency. The turbines used in wind energy are also being made of polymer matrix composite materials. In the sphere of Geothermal Power, new materials technologies have become crucial for the success of Enhanced Geothermal Systems. With structural materials, advanced ceramics, and coatings for fuels, Advanced Materials can transform the Nuclear Energy sector as well and reduce the fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in Fossil Energy. In addition, corrosion resistant coatings, Carbon Fiber Composites, Phase Change materials, and Optical Metamaterials are bound to play an important role in efficient energy transportation, storage, and buildings. IAAM works on the translation of new materials and collaborate with businesses and experts from the energy sector to make possible a sustainable future with clean energy.

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Materials Research and Development is a wide set of science & engineering disciplines that engages and employs researchers and professionals across industry, academia, and government labs. Advanced materials and materials research are hugely responsible for technological advances that we need for energy, defense, IT, national security, consumer products, telecommunications, healthcare, and many more. The advances in the manufacturing techniques for these products give the global economy the required boost. Advanced Materials is at the heart of commercial products today. From computer circuits to military planes, they are everywhere and thus support economic growth of countries. IAAM takes cognizance of this and utilizes its research to advance the field of materials science and support economic growth.


Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Materials are responsible for innumerable valuable innovations around us. The advanced materials are used in everything from automobiles to the lasers used by Physicists. Moreover, these resources have become significantly relied upon and used in industries like automotive, aerospace, electronics, metals, energy, healthcare, telecommunications, chemical, and many more. With applications in so many industries, Materials Science and Engineering are making contributions to the economy and nations’ infrastructure. IAAM organizes consortium and symposia dedicated to bringing stakeholders from business and academia together. This leads to collaborations and improved business innovation.


Reduce inequality within and among countries

Advanced Materials have led to innovations across industries and is facilitating the enhancement of economies and creation of jobs. Thus, the field of materials science and engineering is leading to reduced inequalities among people. International Association of Advanced Materials works with the same vision and utilizes science, engineering, and technology to reduce inequalities. With the aim to make knowledge accessible to all, IAAM runs Open Access journals that allow people to access important scientific literature and knowledge free of cost. We have also taken our flagship international networking event, the Advanced Materials Congress to multiple continents, including Europe, Asia, Australia, and America with an aim to reduce inequalities in terms of scientific knowledge, exchanges, and opportunities.

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

With sub areas like structural materials, construction materials, lightweight cementious composites, and many more, Materials Science holds huge potential to help mankind realize the dream of sustainable buildings, and eventually cities. Shape memory alloys, piezoelectric and magnetostrictive smart materials are extremely important for developing smart cities. In addition to this, materials science has enabled efficient use of energy-intensive materials, retention of materials that are indispensable for modern technology. Moreover, by making possible the mitigation of corrosion and enhancing the processes of the Energy sector, advanced materials have made sustainability an achievable reality. IAAM has focused its research networks and consortiums on formulating recycle-friendly materials and green materials to contribute to building sustainable cities and communities.


Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Efficiency of processes is directly related to the consumption of resources. Advanced Materials have resulted in significant enhancement in the efficiency of energy production from fossil fuels. Coal Power plants have reported improvement in efficiency by up to 42% with the use of new power plants. Development of advanced coatings has also led to reduced fuel consumptions. In other areas as well, advanced materials are responsible for the efficient consumption of resources. With the advent of advanced rubber composites, the life of tires has increased and tremendous advancements have been made in energy efficiency as a result of low emissivity windows and green insulation materials. IAAM’s work on the development of green materials, structural materials and collaborations with Energy experts is dedicated to reducing the consumption of natural resources. Our open access publication initiatives are also dedicated to spreading awareness among people regarding their responsibility towards sustainability.

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Climate change is perhaps the biggest problem that mankind faces in the 21st century. Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology are powerful tools that can help us tackle this impending global disaster. Light-weight nanocomposite materials can reduce the weight of commercial vehicles which can result in a reduced fuel consumption. The nano-coatings have proven to be the best tool to reduce emissions and increase clean energy production. Moreover, nano-structured materials, like aerogels, can lead to reduction in heat transfer through building elements and also significantly reduce loads on heating systems. IAAM has taken cognizance of the role that nanotechnology can play to mitigate climate change and dedicates its research activities to the same.


Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Aquatic and Marine pollution is another huge problem that the world faces as the seas are home to innumerable organisms and source of protein for 3 billion people. The advanced materials have made possible technological progresses to mitigate marine pollution as well. With green submarine cables possible now, the ocean floor can be monitored like never before. Also, designing and synthesis of carbon materials can lead to detection and removal of dyes, pharmaceuticals, and heavy metals from the ocean water. IAAM is focused with its international research networks and consortiums on the need to conserve different spheres of the environment, including the aquatic life. The association works with Materials research towards the same.

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Materials Science & Engineering has effectively enhanced the efficiency of processes in various industries including Energy and Environment. Since these two industries are directly linked to the utilization of natural resources, Materials Engineering plays a significant role in the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems. By reducing the use of fossil fuels, advanced materials are contributing heavily to environment conservation. IAAM’s work with Materials Science, Engineering, and Technology spans across the industries of Energy and Environment. Our research is dedicated to developing and synthesizing green materials and recyclable materials as well.

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Materials science, and by extension the whole scientific sector, is a major part of national economies. Thus, it highly impacts the level of prosperity in society. Materials science and its advancements are leading to new and innovative technological advents, which eventually boost the economy and make for a prosperous society. A prosperous society is where peace prevails and strong institutions can be established. International Association of Advanced Materials works forward with the aim to advance materials science and engineering and contribute to a society where everyone gets justice.

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

There is a need for partnerships and collaborations to effectively achieve the dream of global sustainability. Materials Science has been a field that has enabled partnerships across business sectors, academia, and industries. Advanced Materials has effectively led to the amalgamation of technology experts with researchers. IAAM organizes consortiums and conferences that are aimed at creating an environment of high-end collaborations between the global leaders from academia and industry. The association has facilitated the IAAM Fellow Summit which will be an exclusive forum for the most accomplished global researchers, scientists, policy makers, and representatives from government authorities. This prestigious international forum will allow for discussions among the best minds of the world as to how the field of Advanced Materials can be utilized to achieve the goal of UN’ Sustainable Development Global Agenda for 2030.

Role of Advanced Materials

In Sustainable Development Goals

The agenda of IAAM Fellow Summit is to develop action plans for 2030 sustainable development objectives, “Advancement of Materials to Sustainable and Green World”. This summit will be one-of-a-kind exclusive international meeting for high-end researchers, policy makers, government agencies and interface of academia & industry to discuss the world’s most pressing topics of advanced materials for constructing balanced and integrated solutions to global importance. The proceedings of summit ensure the ability to move from consciousness-raising to agenda-setting to agreement on action by materials community for sustainable future. As part of this unique summit, IAAM brings together the best research minds of the Advanced Materials academia and industry to accelerate action towards critical global issues.

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